1.Processing Text 處理字串

Input: original text 原始字串
Output: edited text 編輯後字串

// neMAp = <span content, span id>
private HashMap neMap = new HashMap();
// neLength = span content length
private ArrayList neLength = new ArrayList();

// get <span> id and content
// replace <span>content</span> to <util>content
// 取得<span>的id和所包的文字內容
// 將<span>文字內容</span>換成<util>content
private String parseContent(String text) {
	String[] contArray = text.split("<span id=\"");
	ArrayList keyArray = new ArrayList();
	for (String ca : contArray) {
		String span = ca.split("</span>")[0];
	for(int i = 1 ; i < keyArray.size() ; i++){
		String[] temp = keyArray.get(i).split("\">");
		neMap.put(temp[1], temp[0]);
		text = text.replace("<span id=\""+temp[0]+"\">"+temp[1]+"</span>", "<util>"+temp[1]);
	return text;


2.Set SpannableStringBuilder 設定字串Span

private SpannableStringBuilder getItemSetArray(String text) {
	String[] itemSetArray = text.split("<util>");
	text = text.replace("<util>", "");
	SpannableStringBuilder spannable = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
	for (int i = 1 ; i < itemSetArray.length ; i++) {
		spannable.setSpan(new ItemSetSpan(itemSetArray[i], this.getResources().getColor(R.color.blue), false, neLength.get(i-1)),
			text.indexOf(itemSetArray[i]), // span content start position
			text.indexOf(itemSetArray[i])+neLength.get(i-1), // span content end position, use neLength list
	return spannable;

public class ItemSetSpan extends ClickableSpan {
	private String text;
	private int color;
	private boolean isItemSetName;

	public ItemSetSpan(String text, boolean isItemSetName) {
		this.text = text;
		this.isItemSetName = isItemSetName;

	public ItemSetSpan(String text, int color, boolean isItemSetName, Integer text_length) {
		this.text = text.substring(0, text_length);
		this.color = color;
		this.isItemSetName = isItemSetName;

	public void onClick(View widget) {
		if (isItemSetName) {

		} else {
			showSimpleItem(text); // click function

	public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) {
		if (!isItemSetName) {

private void showSimpleItem(String text){
	// Do your action 自行設定點選後動作
	Result_TextView.setText(text+"_id: "+neMap.get(text));

// Original TextView must setMovementMethod
// 欲設定點選的TextView必須設定setMovementMethod


3.Run Test 測試

// Test String 測試用字串
private String test = "<span id=\"1\">Jack</span>_no.1\n<span id=\"2\">Allen</span>_no.2\n<span id=\"3\">Mark</span>_no.3";

Before click


After click



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